What Tswizzle and Fun. Have In Common

So, first things first, don’t fall into the trap of 48 hr free Spotify. It’s way more trouble than it’s worth and it gives you a false satisfaction that your playlists are easy to make. Fortunately for me, I had downloaded this app before and had previously added an awesome playlist when it first came out. But sometimes we forget that the fastest way to bring you back to a memory is by the song that provided your life soundtrack.

Like “We Are Young” by Fun. Takes me straight back to three summers ago. Blaring it on our iPods and pretending we were super hip because it hadn’t become everyone’s adventure yet and already it was the song of our summer. Tans, long hair, Tea Largo, and the biggest changes of my life. It literally makes me smell suntan lotion. It’s one of my greatest memories because it’s the memory of bliss.

But then, there are songs that hurt. Like the songs that take you back to that one time you are on your roommates floor bawling because life is fixing to take an immediate change. Like the time you are making the deliberate jump into the unknown and Taylor swift’s “Begin Again” is playing in the background. You realize that sometimes it’s so relevant to your life because your graduating College and the people you never thought you could live without are the exact people you were leaving and it’s all completely melodramatic but it’s exactly how you feel.

And then there are the perfect in-between songs. That accurately describe and ending and a beginning. Like Death Cab For Cutie’s “Summer Skin”. It’s the song that described my descent into the woman I am today. Letting go of the past and making the decisions for myself. Realizing that sometimes you can’t be the girl who you were and proceed to grow.
And though these are complete opposite, a bit dramatic, and a tad vague they are memories none the less. And it’s not about the actual memories but the feelings that you felt. Those songs all pull me into exact moments of my life. Moments that no one felt but me. Moments that are just strong enough to pull me back to my younger years until I’m 80.

Already in 24 I have songs that pull me there. Kei$Ha’sTimber is absolutely one of them, it’s the song of new adventures and partying at midnight. This wasn’t the most happy post but it’s relevant to my life. It’s a beautiful thing. It’s a relatable thing. πŸ™‚ what songs remind you of this year?

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