Things I love Friday. :D

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It has been forever since  I have even attempted to write. Something about a One eyed puppy, random kittens showing up, Flat tires, shoddy brakes, and you would think my life ended. It hasn’t exactly been pretty. Believe me. I feel like I haven’t exactly caught my breath, but I have learned so much to be thankful for and to love.

1. A very happy puppy. He kind of has no idea that he has one eye… until he runs into walls but ehh.. happens. He has it going.. He has survived, and for that, I am so grateful. Already, he has made me become more responsible (I mean… 7 AM  is pretty responsible) and he has wrapped himself neatly into my whole families heart.

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2. Hair Appts. I looovvveee getting my hair played with and cut and done. Does it happen often? No. Should I do it more often.. Why yes, but Man, There is something about walking out of the shop and feeling like you can take on the world. Priceless.

3. The Bachelorette!!!! I just became that girl. You know, the one you cringe about because she is so obsessed with the cheesy scandals that are attributed to this show. Don’t judge me, Embrace it. Okay, well at least Avert your eyes as I go full on fan girl.


4. Oversized cut Tshirts. I may have bought into the trend whole heartedly. When you have beautiful days at thrift shops and horrible people who tell you, you look great in anything, (Tiffany Pulliam. that was your shoutout) You can’t help it. They also pair well with flower headbands and long skirts…. jk! kind of.

5. Book clubs! I love books. I love reading them. I love talking. I love talking about them. It has been so nice. Last night was the kick off of our book club and we read half of Ocean at the End of the Lane. Do you know how amazing it feels to be on the same page as other people? (see what I did there… ;))

6.  Mother’s Day.Because of this and this.

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I hope your weekends are amazing, my friends, and I hope that by next week I will be back in the swing of things.

2 thoughts on “Things I love Friday. :D

  1. Properly Ridiculous says:

    First… Yes, 7am is very early and something to be very proud of; especially since you have no children. Good for you 🙂
    Second… That dog is adorable with one eye…I like things/people/places with character.
    Third…I LOVE THE BACHELORETTE, ALSO!! Have you ever read the blog RealitySteve.Com that coincides with the series? He gives spoilers and calls out the editors with how they morph the story. It’s really interesting – puts an entire different spin on it. (& that ladies & gents is how you become a real reality tv junkie).
    Forth…I need a good book to read. What’s your best suggestion?

    (I love hair appts. also).

    Happy Friday!


  2. sland24 says:

    1. Bahahaha if you only knew how late I can sleep! He’s actually causing me to get up and care about getting ready. That sly dog 😉 I love his one eye too. It suits him! He thinks he is we ferocious as a grizzly bear 😉 hence his name-Grizz. ( I can also talk about him like he’s my
    Child so I will definitely stop now! )
    2. WHAT IS THIS?!! I have to check this website out!! You have to tell me who is your top 3!!! That first night requires a glass of wine and intense judgment. It’s kind of my callin in life.
    3. It’s summer.
    The girl who chased the moon- Sarah Addison Allen
    (I loves this book. It’s such a light summer read but not fluffy. It’s not pansy)
    The storyteller- Jodi Picoult
    (if you like to be surprised and have some morality- I loved this!!!)
    Between, Georgia- Joshilyn Jackson
    (Southern and realistic)
    Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
    ( historical and witty, it’s fun and so different!)

    I can never give just one book! I am so sorry! I may have just given you a whole list but they are all different genres! If you are feelin really interested, jump on board our bookclub next month!! We are fun! 🙂


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